Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Falling For Sunflowers

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The sunny yellow blooms of the sunflower plants are some of the most cheerful
types of annual flowers you can grow and have become a favorite end of summer
garden flower.

No flower can lift your spirit quite like a sunflower can. Bright & cheery with brilliant yellow petals that surround the flower’s center, sunflowers have an unmistakable sun-like appearance that has made them a preferred flower choice of many.

It’s of little surprise the beautiful flower that turns it’s head to follow the sun originated
in North America and was a common crop among American Indians where for centuries they were cultivated as a valuable food source. Evidence suggests the plant was cultivated by Indians in present day Arizona and New Mexico about 3000 B.C. Some archaeologists even suggest that sunflowers may have been domesticated before corn.

However, the sunflower was not only a food source to Native Americans, they were used to create a dye of a purple color which was used then to enhance clothing, paint bodies and decorate objects. Other parts of the plant were used to make medicine for snake bites and ointments. The seed oil was used to lubricate skin and hair. As ancient societies could not afford to waste anything the stalks were dried and then used as building material.

With the European exploration of the New World, the sunflower was brought to new areas, and the flower’s popularity eventually spread as people around the world began to appreciate its beauty and sustenance. Commercialization of the sunflower first took place in Russia in the late 19th Century and finally made it’s way back to the US

The sunflower resemblance to the sun has also influenced their meanings and is often associated with feelings of happiness and warmth. It’s little wonder people love decorating with sunflowers to bring positive energy and spread good vibes into homes or area where they are placed.

We are fortunate, here at La Rosa’s Flowers, that we are able to carry sunflowers most of the year, thanks to our dedicated growers worldwide, who cut and ship these blooms to us within 24 hrs.

So remember, even as the last blooms fades from your garden, you can still enjoy basking in the sunflower’s warming glow throughout most of the winter season.

As always, wishing you peace + and love.

LaRosa's Flowers
O'Fallon - Belleville, Illinois
Call, Click or Visit Today

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